

04-03 14:34:20  浏览次数:642次  栏目:小学英语教案
标签:pep小学英语教案,人教版小学英语教案, 外研社小学英语第三册教学计划及教案,http://www.dbk123.com

  2.Tell them that you are going to describe the pictures and they have to point at the correct one.


T:Listen to music .

SS:(Point at the correct picture.)

T:Having breakfast.

SS:(Point at the correct picture.)

  3.Now get the ss to do the same in pairs.

  4.This will prepare them well for the listening activity.

  5.Play the tape and get them to listen and point at the correct picture.Tell them to answer the question "What are they doing?"






your teeth


table tennis

listen to

a car


a glass of milk


a picture


the door




a bike



III. Say and point.

Extension activity 1

  1.This is a nice additional activity that you might like to do in the class.

  2.Divide the class into two groups.

  3.Tell one group to choose any verb from this list and to write it down on a big piece of paper.Each student can choose a verb.They

don't have to choose the same verbs.

    4.Tell the second group to choose any word from this list.

They have to write it on a big piece of paper.

  5.Now explain that you are going to point at a s in the first group and thay have to stand up and read out their verbs.

  6.All the ss in the second group who have the correct collection then stand up and read out their words.

  7.Continue like this .It is a great way of practising the collections.

VI. Do,look and say.

  1. Tell the ss to get into pairs.

  2.Tell them that you are going to call out "Go" and they have to mime sth. straight away.

  3.When you ask "What are you doing?"They have to explain what they are doing.If they are doing the same mime,they have to say"too"









listening to




a glass of milk


a picture

your teeth

the door

table tennis


a car

a bike


as well.



SS:(Start miming)

T:What are you doing?

S1:I am swimming.

S2:You are swimming and I am swimming ,too.


SS:(Start miming.)

T: What are you doing ?

S1:I am running .

S2:You are running and I am eating.







Module 5        Food

Unit1 Do you want some rice?

I. Warmer

  1.Write the name of some foodson the board but miss out one letter.

    ri__e         no__dles        hamburg__r

    pi__za        hot d__g        chic__en

  2.Now tell the ss that you are going to call out the names of the foods and the ss have to tell you what letter is missing.

  3.Continue like this.It will give the ss lots of exposure to the food vocabulary and help them with the spelling and with the letters.

  4.After a while,you can get the ss to do the exercise in pairs.

II. Listen and point.

  1.Tell the ss to close their books.

  2.Tell the ss that they are going to listen to the tape,and they have to write down all the foods they hear.

  3.Play the tape again.

  4.Ask the ss to tell you all the foods they heard and write them down on the board.

  5.Now tell the ss to open their books and play the story again.This time get them to follow in their books.

III. Point ,ask and answer.

  1.Use the pictures to do some extra work on vocabulary.

  2.Tell the ss that you are going to call out the names of the foods and they have to point at them in their books.

  3.After a while you can get the ss to do the same in pairs.One calls out a food and the other points at it.

VI. Teaching tip.

   Tell the ss to draw a picture of a food they like. It can be a simple picture but they must know the word in English.Now call out two names or point to two ss.The ss stand up and hold up their pictures.Student A says what Student B is holding and s B says what sA is holding,The two ss sit down and the teacher calls out another two names.




Unit 2    I'm making dumplings.


I. Warmer

  1.Extension Activity 1

    Tell the ss that you are going to call out some actions and they have to mime they.


   T:I am eating.

   Ss:(mime eating)

   T:I am cooking.

   Ss:(mime cooking)

   Continue like this,using the worbs from vacabulary extension list.They are all connected with food.

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