4.D advisable:可取的。wise:聪明的。It is advisable that everyone save money for further education.为进一步接受教育而积点钱是可取的。No on
5.B puzzle:迷。mystery:迷。His death has remained a puzzle.他怎么死的至今还是个迷。It was a mystery how the burglars got in.盗贼怎么进来的是个迷。problem:问题。We have lots of problems to solve.我们有许多问题要解决。question:问题。The clever student asked the teacher an extremely difficult question.那个聪明的学生问了老师一个极其难的问题。point:论点。The point that l want to make here and now is that Ph.D.dissertations must be original.此时此地我想要说的一点是博士论文必须是原创性
www.dbk123.com 的。
6.C exhibit:显示。show:显示。The Chinese soldiers exhibited great bravery in that fierce battle.在那场激烈的战斗中,中国士兵表现出了极大的勇气。The commander showed his talent in defending this glorious city.司令官在保卫这座光荣的城市中表现出了他的才能。spread:伸展。The flyover spreads for a mile and is huge.这座立交桥延伸到一英里,非常巨大。open:开。The conference was opened on May l and closed on May 4.大会五月一日开幕的,五月四日闭幕。The police man examined the passport very carefully.警察仔细地察看了护照。
7.A eternal:永久的。Everlasting:永久的。I simple can’t stand his eternal boasting,saying that he is a man of great imp
8.A depict:描写。describe:描写。This novel depicts the life of a traditional Chinese woman.这本小说描述了一个中国传统妇女的生活。The police woman asked her to describe the thief.那个女警察让她描述了那个盗贼。draw:画。The artist is drawing a picture of his home town.那个美术家在画他的家乡。write:写。The beginners are able to write simple sentences.初学者已经可以写简单旬了。introduce:介绍。Jack introduced Marry to John at the party.在聚会上杰克把玛丽介绍给了约翰。
9.D operative:运作的。work:运作的。We have many radars operative.我们有许多雷达在运转着。The old theory doesn’t work.旧的理论已经不灵了。run:经营。She runs a small shop.她经营着一个小店。move:移动。The earth moves round the sun.地球绕着太阳转。rotate:转。The earth rotates round the sun.地球绕着太阳转。
10.C wreck:毁坏。damage:毁坏。My car was completely wrecked in the accident.我
的车在车祸中完全毁坏了。Many temples were damaged in the war.许多寺庙在战争中毁坏了。shake:摇晃。The house shakes when a train goes by.火车开过时,房子会晃动。fall:倒下。The old building was falling to pieces.那座老建筑正在坍塌中。tremble:颤抖。The girl’s lips started to tremble and then she began to cry.女孩的嘴唇先是颤抖接着就哭了起来。
11.B embody:显示;包含。include:包含。The new model embodies a few refinements.新的模型包含了一些改进之处。The plan includes many of your suggestions.该计划包含了许多你的建议。consist of:由……组成。This panel consists of several young professors.这个答辩委员会由几个年轻的教授组成。make up:组成……。This team is made up of several old professors.这个小组由几个老教授组成。mark:标志。His death marked the end of an era.他的死标志着一个时代的结束。
12.D obscure:遮挡。prevent:挡住。If you stand there you’11 obscure our view of the race.如果你站在那里,你会挡住我们看赛跑的。The storm prevented an early departure.暴风雨阻碍了早离开。darken:变……黑暗。The bad news darkened th