3.C attain有通过努力取得了某种东西或达到某种状态的意思。如:He attained the position of minister.They were unable to attain their objectives.achieve的意思是通过努力取得或达到某种目标,意思跟attain很接近,因而可由后者替换。reached也有“达到”的意思,但它本身并不含“需要通过努力”,因而它不可替代achieved.下面举一个reach用法的例子:The process of political change in South Africa has reached the stage where it is irreversible.reap是“收获,获得”的意思。The painting depicted a group of peasants reaping a harvest of fruits and vegetables.You’ll soon begin to reap the benefits of being fitter.take也有“获得,取得”的意思,但它不能跟success搭配。
4.D capability:能力,力量。又如:Now we have the capability of defending our country, all thanks to our own efforts.The country has the capability to defeat any aggressor.ability:能力,本领。From each according to his abilities,to each according to his work.ability和capability在意义上有相同的一面,因而在一定语境中可以互换。可以看出,ability和capability在搭配上是有差别的,前者只可跟to搭配,但后者既可跟to又可跟of搭配。二者的形容词分别是able和capable:I ought to be able to live on my salary.She was perfectly ca
www.dbk123.com pable of taking care of herself.注意:capable只能跟of而不能跟to搭配。不难看出,词的意义不决定句法结构。strength:力量:优点。Their military strength has gone down because their air force has proved to be an effective force.此句中的strength可由capacity替代而不改变句子的意义。possibility:可能性。5.A in conjunction with:共同。together with具有相同的意思,用together代入后,所生成的也是一个在语法上正确的句子。in succession:接连发生,不跟with,如:He had missed five dinners in succession.in alliance with:结盟。They are now in a position to govern the state in alliance with either the Free Democrats or the Green Party.in connection with:在……一起;相关。13 men were questioned in connection with the murder.
6.B credible:可信的。convincing:可信的。That is the least convincing excuse that you could offer. convincing可替换credible而不改变句子的意义。workable:可行的,行得通的。Your plan is workable.practical:实际的,现实的。He is weak in practical matters.reliable:靠得住的。John is a reliable man.
7.C diligent:勤奋的,努力的。hardworking:勤奋的,努力的。Jack was hardworking and energetic.ambitious:雄心勃勃的;有野心的。Chris is so ambitious,so determined to do it all.1azy:懒惰的。I was too lazy to read music.clever:聪明的。She is beautiful and clever.
8.D diverse:多种多样的;不同的。varied:多种多样的;不同的。It is imp
9.A faulty:有错误的;有毛病的。wrong:有错误的;有毛病的。Cheating is always wrong.ambiguous:歧义的:模棱两可的。This sentence is ambiguous.unclear:不清楚。His itinerary is still unclear.unbelievable:不可信的。I find it unbelievable that people can accept this sort of beha
10.C gorgeous:好极了,壮丽的。lovely:可爱的;美丽的。The girl is lovely.ridiculous:可笑的。It was an absolutely ridiculous decision.magnificent:壮丽的;宏伟的。There is a magnificent country house near the river.peculiar:奇特的;奇怪的。This house is peculiar in lots of ways.这些词都可替换,所生成的句子在语法上都是正确的。相比之下,magnificent最接近gorgeous。
11.C persist:坚持;持续。continue:持续。She continued the work day after day.insist:坚持;坚持主张。My family insisted that I should not give in,but stay and fight.persevere:坚持。Despite the failure of his early experiments,the scientist persevered in his research.resist:反抗;顶住。The nation was able to resist the invasion.insist和persist在意义上并不完全相同。insist缺乏“持续”这个义项。persevere也缺少“持续”这个义项。因此,正确的选择是continue。“坚持”与“持续”在意义上似乎很接近,但在语义上的差别是很明显的。“坚持”至少要求有生命的东西作主语,但“持续”就没有这个要求。
12.D regulate:调整:控制。control:控制。She also had a temper, but she controlled it.fight:搏斗;战斗。More units to fight forest fires are planned.abolish:废除。The whole system should be abolished.remove:除去;消除。Most of her fears have been removed.
13.A scatter:分散:散布;消散。separate:分散;分离。We didn’t separate until nightfall.flee:逃走;消失。The robbers tried to
www.dbk123.com flee,but they were caught.depart:离开;出发。We are ready to depart.spread:展开;散布。The rumour quickly spread through the village.spread与scatter有相同的义项——“散布”。但此处只能是“分散”的意思。14.B standpoint:立场;观点。point of view:观点;看法。The novel is shown from the girl’s point of view.position:位置;立场。The union may shift its position on the question.knowledge:知识。To my knowledge,he owns three houses,and he may own more.opinion:看法;意见。In my opinion,this book is the best book on the subject.虽然position也有“立场”的意思,但不能说from my position。同样地我们也不能说from my opinion。
1 5.C touching:动人的;感人的。moving:动人的;感人的。The beggar told her such a moving story that she almost wept.inspiring:鼓舞人心的。He made all inspiring speech.boring:令人厌烦的。Not on
1.B immense:巨大的。enormous:巨大的。The expense of living is immense today.现
在生活的开支很大。Their losses were enormous.他们的损失巨大。much:许多。The students have given me much help.学生给了我许多帮助。little:小;少。The old man lived
in a little house in the woods.老人生活在树林中的一座小屋里。extensive:广泛的。They make extensive contacts with the Chinese people.他们跟中国人广泛接触。
2.A accumulate:积累。build up:建立起。The old teacher has accumulated a lot of teaching experience.这位老教师积累了丰富的教学经验。We have built up a good reputation.我们建立起了很好的声誉。make up:编造。She made up a funny story to explain her absence.她编造了一个滑稽的故事,解释她为什么不来。Clear up:澄清。I'd like to clear up two or three points.我有两三点想澄清一下。
3.B overtake:超过。pass:超过。Japan has overtaken Germany in industrial production.日本在工业生产方面已经超过了德国。The police car has passed the truck.警车已经超过了卡车。reach:到达。We reached our destination at midnight.我们午夜到达了目的地。lead:带。The blind man has a dog to lead him.这个盲人有条狗领他。