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I like this/ that…I don’t like these /those…教学设计

I like this/ that…I don’t like these /those…教学设计

04-03 14:07:53  浏览次数:123次  栏目:小学英语教案
标签:pep小学英语教案,人教版小学英语教案, I like this/ that…I don’t like these /those…教学设计,http://www.dbk123.com

用I like this/ that…I don’t like these /those…句型表达自己对某一物品的好恶


(1)掌握词汇:this, that, these, those
(2)短语及句型:I like …/I don’t like …


(1)掌握四会单词this, that, these, those,并区分它们的用法。

(2)用I like this/ that…I don’t like these /those…句型表达自己对某一物品的好恶。
Step I Greeting and Review
T:Hello, boys and girls!
Ss: Hello, Miss Yin!
T: I’m your new teacher . Are you happy ?
Ss: Yes!
T: Boys and girls! I’m Li Ming . I will go on a trip to Beijing. But my clothes are not right. Look! This is a clothes shop .I want to buy some new clothes. I need a clerk . Would you like to come and have a try?
Ss: Yes.
T: Let’s have a interview . Pass the interviews . You will be my clerk .Come on ,children !The first interview .What colour is it ?
Ss: It’s …
T: What’s your favourite colour?
Ss: My favourite colour is …
[设计意图:创设情景 ,温故知新为新授作准备。]
 Step II New Concepts
1. Presentation
1)this that these those
T: These are the clothes in the shop. What’s in the shop? What’s this ?
S1: This is a/an …
T: This is near . The girl is near.“this , this ” Read it ,please! (将字母i s的读音写在黑板上)
Ss: This.
T: Good! And what’s that?
S2: A green sweater.
T: Yes. That is a green sweater . That is far. The boy is far . “that that” say it ,please.(叫班中前面和后面的同学练习near far)
T: Is this a blue pants?
Ss: No.
T: These are blue pants. “these these ” say it ,please .
(用单词的复数形式练习 these和 those,方法同前。学生边回答,教师边板书。写出ese的读音)
T: Talk about the pictures with your partner.
(观看大屏幕,同桌用these those this that 做练习)
T: Boys and girls ,this is near ,that is far. Let’s chant.(播放视频)
①Listen ② Listen and sing ③ Listen, sing and do the actions.
3) I like / don’t like … Race.
T: Children ! You did a good job. Look ! Let’s meet the second interview . I like this blue skirt .Do you like this blue skirt ?
S1: Yes , I like it .
T: I like …(同种方法学习I don’t like ..)Look at the screen and talk with your partner .
2. Practice : Listen to the tape and answer.
T: Boys and girls ! Li Ming is choosing his favourite clothes . Take out this paper , listen and fill in the blanks . Correct the answers .
Step III Production
T: Boys and girls . You are so smart .Look ! The last interview. T

www.dbk123.com o be Li Ming’s clerk . Before that let’s have a training .” Hello! Welcome to our shop. May I help you ?” Are you ready ? Let’s go .
(仿照例子学生分组编对话,练习I like this/these …和I don’t like that/those …句型,准备好后给全班表演。)
T: OK, you are my clerk now.
(在一个回答正确的学生胸前贴上“CLERK 01”,一个接一个地继续招聘其他导购。在这个过程中,对学生出现语法错误,教师适时讲解。凡被录用的导购,教师都为他们佩带导购标志。)
T: Thank you very much! You are all Li Ming’s clerks now. Congratulations!
Step IV Class Closing
T: You all did a good job today!(全班鼓掌)Class is over. Bye !
Ss: Bye!









     教师要不断地反思自己的教学行为,努力使新教材发挥最大功效。教学反思既包括教的反思,又包括学的反思。教学反思是经验与实际、理论与操作、备课与上课、课堂与课外、教与学之间的一座桥梁,不是简单的回顾与反省,更不是走形式。它要求教师通过预见监控和批判等行为来解决教学中存在的实际问题,从而促进教学。在教学理念上,教师要不断反思教学观和学生观是否与新教材相一致;反思自己在教学中的角色定位是否合理。在教学行为操作过程中,教师要反思本节课是否实现了预定的教学目标,是否以学生为主体,教学难度是否恰当,备课是否充分,是否可采用其他更好的教学策略,下节课与本节课如何衔接等。通过反思行为,才能不断更新教学观念,规范教学行为,提高教学质量和水平。  ,I like this/ that…I don’t like these /those…教学设计

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