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牛津小学英语 3B Unit 8 I'm hungry Priod1 教案设计

牛津小学英语 3B Unit 8 I'm hungry Priod1 教案设计

11-15 19:40:30  浏览次数:897次  栏目:小学英语教学设计
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  牛津小学英语 3B
  Unit 8  I’m hungry 教案
  江阴市实验小学  陈卫丹
  牛津小学英语 3B第八单元第一教时
  1.能正确地听、说、读、写单词a cake ,a pie以及a hot dog 。
  2.能听懂、会说食品类单词 a sandwich 。
  3.能听懂、会说日常交际用语 I’m hungry. What would you like ?I’d like … A hot dog?Sounds good. Here you are. Thank you./ Thanks.
  1.掌握句型What would you like ?及其答语I’d like…的用法。
  板书:Unit 8 I’m hungry
  1         Warming-up.
  1.Sing a song.  “ Hello, how are you?”
  e.g. Hello, how are you ?What’s your name ?
  Who’s he / she ?(课前准备好各种水果及食物的头饰,让部分学生戴于头上,比如Mr Hamburger、Miss Apple、Miss Banana 等,并由此引出Mr Cake)
  2         Presentation / Practice.
  1.由Mr Cake 引出单词 a cake并出示图片 (渗透音标[ei] )
  1  Read and spell by groups, one by one.用接龙的方式进行拼写单词.
  2  快速记忆,拼出单词.
  3  在四线三格中示范书写 a cake.
  (在奖励的过程中渗透旧知 Here you are. Thanks./ Thank you.)
  2.由实物引出I’m hungry.
  1        T: Look, here’s a cake. (作饿状) Mm, I’m hungry. 出示卡片及中文进行教学。
  2        hungry——I’m hungry .(升降调操练, 并渗透音标[Λ][Ι] )
  3        One by one 接龙变音量说(由低到高,或由高到低)。
  4        边读边模仿。


  3.教学 I’d like …
  T: I’m hungry, too. So I’d like a cake. (出示卡片I’d like…及中文进行教学)
  Are you hungry? Would you like a cake ?引导学生说: Yes, I’d like a cake.
  (Pay attention to “I’d” )
  ① High and low voice, 高低声操练.
  ② Two by two./One by one.
  ③ 用实物进行问答操练(把实物放在托盘中,让学生自由进行选择)
  e.g. T: What would you like ? (渗透)
  S: I’d like a pear. (apple、banana、hamburger、orange、cake、玩具狗等。)
  4.由学生说I’d like a dog.引出my friend Doggie
  从而教学What would you like ?
  T: What would you like ? (呈上对话)
  S: I’d like a dog.
  T:Oh, no. This is my friend, Doggie.
  (创设Doggie 也饿了的情景,引出句型What would you like ?出示卡片及中文)
  ① Read after the teacher several times.
  ② Let students be little teachers.
  ③ 模仿各种动物,Tiger says、bird says、big elephant says etc.
  ④ Boys and girls. One by one.
  5.引出 a hot dog
  T: (承上)What does Doggie want ? 引导学生一齐问三遍What would you like ?(声音从低到高) 由此引出并教学a hot dog 出示图片
  ① 分解朗读a、hot、dog (注意尾音t、d ,渗透音标[D])
  ② 升降调操练↗↘(为课文中A hot dog?作铺垫)
  ③ 快速记忆,拼写单词。教师在四线三格中示范书写。
  T: Doggie wants a hot dog Do you want a hot dog ? 引导学生I’d like a hot dog.
  6.由I’m hungry. 引出并教学 a pie
  T: I’m hungry, too. 引导学生问: What would you like ?
  T: I’d like a pie. 教学 a pie
  ① 出示图片,升降调操练。
  ② 拼写并快速朗读,接龙拼写。
  ③ 教师在四线三格中示范书写。
  ④拓展 an apple pie,a banana pie,a pineapple pie 等


  T:What would you like ?
  S:I’d like a/an … pie. (问答练习,操练三种派及句型,并作适当奖励)
  7.Play a guessing game: What’s in the bag ?(实物)
  T: Look, I have some things.(快速朗读一遍 a cake, a hot dog, a pie)
  Let’s play a guessing game. What’s in the bag ? (各组加星进行奖励)
  8.由guessing game 引出单词 a sandwich (渗透音标[?][Ι])
  ① 组与组高低声朗读操练。
  ② 升降调 a sandwich↗ a sandwich↘
  ③ One by one 接龙
  ④ 句型拓展:I can see a sandwich
  It’s a sandwich.
  This is a sandwich.
  Here’s a sandwich.
  I’d like a sandwich.   Etc.
  ⑤ Have a match. Pass the card: sandwich
  A: What would you like ?
  B: I’d like a sandwich.
  9. Practise 操练四个单词
  ① 朗读并拼写两遍.
  ② 快速反应.
  ③ Magic eyes.
  ④ What’s missing ? (利用板书中的图片)
  10.由实物引出句型 Sounds good!
  T: (拿出一些水果及食物) Look, today I have many food here.
  What would you like ? A hot dog?
  拓展: Yes, please. / No, thanks.  并且引出 Sounds good! 可拓展Sounds great !
  ① 集体朗读,分组朗读,分角色朗读.
  ② 模仿不同表情朗读.
  ③ 击掌朗读.
  ④ One by one.
  A:What would you like ? A/An … ?
  B:Sounds good./ Yes, please. / No, thanks.
  A:Here you are.
  B:Thanks./ Thank you.
  T: I’m really hungry. Are you hungry? David is hungry, too.(出示David图片)
  So he and his mother Mrs. Black(出示Mrs. Black图片)are in a supermarket.
  让学生带着问题听录音:What does David want ?
  ① 跟读两遍录音。
  ② 跟老师读。
  ③ 分角色读、自由朗读。
  ④ 表演。(尽量脱离书本)
  3         Consolidation.
  1. Do a model with S1.
  (Provide two situations :at home/at the supermarket)
  T: S1, Let’s go to the supermarket.                 S1: All right.
  (May I come in?)                               (Come in, please.)
  I’m hungry. What would you like?A hot dog?         Sounds good.
  Here you are.                                   Thank you.
  2. Ask students to work in pairs like this.
  (运用以下表格进行操练. 表格附后)
  4         Homework.
  1. Copy the words four times.
  2. Read the new dialogues and words after the tape.
  3. Finish the table with your friends or you can ask your father and mother.

,牛津小学英语 3B Unit 8 I'm hungry Priod1 教案设计