

09-26 13:55:28  浏览次数:755次  栏目:小学英语教学论文
标签:英语教学论文范文,小学英语教学论文集, 巧妙地点燃学生英语自主性阅读的兴趣火种,http://www.dbk123.com

Items of body-building food:                        

Items of protective food:                                

Do you think it is a balanced menu?                   

Give your reasons:                                     

规定一个星期的时间让学生去完成,一个星期后,在课堂上自愿向全班人宣读自己的食谱。让大家评出最有创意、最独特和最符合平衡饮食要求的食谱。当任务一布置下去,学生马上兴致勃勃地行动起来,人人都积极主动地查找和阅读报刊、杂志和Internet上的相关材料,学生自主性阅读的兴趣得到了空前的激发。一个星期后,学生都踊跃上台宣读他们的菜谱。每一份宣读出来的菜谱都闪烁着学生的灵感和智慧之光。其中有一份令我眼睛为之一亮, 这就是“用”的魅力点燃兴趣火种后发出来的璀璨的灵感和智慧之光:

Menu for Dinner:



What kind(s) of food?



steamed fish(清蒸鱼)


stir-fried French beans with bamboo shoots(竹笋扁豆)


deep-fried red-in-snow and peanut



crisp rolls of pork, sea-cucumber and bamboo shoots(脆皮三丝卷)

body-building and protective

sweet-and-sour beef with pineapple


protective and body-building

potato and mushroom soup


protective and energy-giving


Items of energy-giving food: rice, potato, peanut

Items of body-building food: fish, pork, tofu, beef

Items of protective food: French bean, bamboo, shoot,

sea-cucumber, pineapple, mushroom

Do you think it is a balanced menu? Yes.

Give your reasons: The menu is a good mixture of body-building foods, energy-giving foods and protective foods. The food is cooked in less oil.

4.“评” — 激发学生英语自主性阅读兴趣的催化剂


Reading Card

Name: Lai Xiaofen     Class:    Grade:   Date: March 2, 2008

Passage Title: Angels             

Total Words: 332 words            Reading Speed: 51 wpm

General Idea: When two angels came to spend nights with two different families, the old angel helped the first family repair the hole in the wall though treated unkindly. The second family had little but was willing to share everything with the angels, but the old angel let their only cow die. It seems as if the old angel had been unfair. But the old angel said“Things aren’t always what they see.”

Impressive Expressions and Patterns for Future Use: be unwilling to do, have sth. done, things aren’t always what they see.

Difficult Points: None

Comments and Benefits: Outwardly, the old angel was unfair. As a matter of fact, the angel repaired the hole just because he didn’t want the unkind owner to find the gold stored in that hole. When the angel of death came for the poor and kind farmer’s wife, he gave her the cow instead. So from the passage, we can learn things aren’t always what we see. Don’t always complain. Please have a grateful mind.

Others’ Assessment/Impression: Things aren’t always what we see. Sometimes what happens doesn’t turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every result is always to your advantage. You might not know it until some time later. In a word, facing much unfairness in our life, we still should keep a peaceful and grateful mind.

这份读书卡的规范性和做这份卡的学生表现出来的认真的阅读态度令我惊喜不已。因此,我在卡的末端批下这样的评语:I really admire your strict reading attitude. I am extremely amazed at the brief and exact main idea you summarized. I am deeply touched by what you think and how you feel after reading because your comment on it is so wise.(你严谨的阅读态度令我佩服,你对文章中心简明中肯的概述令我侧目,你富含哲理性的读后感令我共鸣)。同时,每隔两个星期我会把做得精致和有创意的读书卡装贴出来,让学生为自己的努力和能力惊异,为自己而骄傲,让学生充分体验阅读的成功和乐趣。学生就会更加热情地投入自主性阅读中。我的一个学生曾这样对我说:“老师,每次读到你在我们读书卡上所批下的赞美之言或看到自己的读书卡被张贴出来,我都会异常高兴,心里鼓足了劲,鼓励自己下次还要更认真地阅读,做出一份更出色的读书卡”。实践证明,这样做对激发学生英语自主性阅读兴趣非常有好效。在我开展读书卡活动的那个学期的期末,我班的学生由于阅读部分得分高,在期末考时英语科获得了可喜的成绩,全级排名第一。

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