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深港版《小学英语》Book2 Unit 4At the zoo

深港版《小学英语》Book2 Unit 4At the zoo

11-15 19:40:30  浏览次数:569次  栏目:小学英语课堂实录
标签:小学英语课堂实录大全, 深港版《小学英语》Book2 Unit 4At the zoo,http://www.dbk123.com
 jump.It likes  bananas.(Give
 them a toy monkey as encour-agement.)
    Do the same with other
    3.Communicate with the

  www.dbk123.com Teacher plays a movie about
 animal protection.(利用录像展示:森林被大火烧光了,动物们无家可归;猎人们去狩猎,动物们无处可藏。通过这段录像,增强学生爱护动物,保护森林的意识。)
    Draw a new home for the
 animals.Draw the animals you
 like and write down the animal’s
 name beside the animals you

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,深港版《小学英语》Book2 Unit 4At the zoo

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