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六年级小学生英语示例作文四篇:My Day(二)

六年级小学生英语示例作文四篇:My Day(二)

11-15 19:42:50  浏览次数:647次  栏目:小学英语作文
标签:小学英语作文大全, 六年级小学生英语示例作文四篇:My Day(二),http://www.dbk123.com

告别了放纵与自由,新学期将我们领进英语的殿堂.一切将要展开新的一页,让我们一起来阅读六年级小学生英语示例作文四篇:My Day(二)吧~~

My Day 2

I had a wonderful holiday at spring festival . I went to the park with my friends . We met at eight o‘clock at the school gate . We went to the park by bike .It was a beautiful day . We sat under a big tree and chated with each other . We took about some movies and some fun things . We had lunch there . We ate hamburgers and some drinks , but I know they are not healthy and not good for us . Then we played some games .

We were all fell tired ,but we were very happy ! It was great fun !

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,六年级小学生英语示例作文四篇:My Day(二)